Normal delivery means giving birth to the child without any medical interventions. Normal delivery is also known as vaginal birth.

 It is possible if you take the right diet and right exercise during your pregnancy. Proper care has to be taken in your pregnancy to give a normal birth to your child. Nowadays most mothers prefer the normal delivery. It may decrease the complications in future pregnancy. Normal Delivery is done by the following three different stages.

Stage I:

Early labor and active labor:

Early labor: During this stage , the cervix is delicate and becomes thin. This is called the latent phase. The mother might feel mild irregular contractions. As the cervix opens, the mother might notice a clear, pink, slightly bloody discharge from the vagina. It is like a mucus plug blocking the opening of the cervix. For the first of moms, the average length of this stage lasts from hours to days. 

Active labor: During this stage, the cervix dilates from 6 to 10 cm. This was done in an effort to increase the rates of vaginal delivery. You may  feel the following symptoms during this period:

  • Your legs may get cramp
  • You may feel unseated.
  • Contractions become more powerful .
  • And the pressure in mom’s back may get increased. 

Stage II:

Pushing and subsequent delivery of the baby:

This stage starts once the cervix dilates completely. The duration of this stage may be anywhere between a few minutes and up to a few hours or more. The mother has to push with every contraction, which can lead to fatigue.

Stage III:

Delivery of the placenta:

After the child comes out, the final stage involves the delivery of the placenta. It would take about 5-30 minutes for the doctor to take out the placenta out through the vaginal canal. The mother will continue to have mild contractions that will be close together and less painful. The physician might ask you to take medicines to encourage uterine contractions and prevent bleeding. The physician may also check if the placenta is intact and no fragments are remaining in the uterus, causing infection or bleeding



